What time is the service?

The worship service times is 10:30am. In addition both the main sanctuary and balcony will be open for expanded seating for social distancing.

What factors should influence my decision to attend?

In compliance with CDC recommendations, we ask that the elderly, those with compromised health conditions, those displaying COVID-19 symptoms or those exposed to the virus, should not attend the worship services. We encourage you to continue watching our virtual services.

Will parking be available at church as normal?

Yes, all parking will be available and directed by our security team.

Will entry into the church building be limited to specific exterior doors?

If you arrive prior to offering, all exterior doors will be open for entry. After offering, ONLY the atrium exterior doors will be open for entry.

Will there be any requirements to attend Victory’s worship services?

Yes, a mask will be required for entry and must be worn during the entire worship service for anyone 3 years of age or older. If you forget your mask, one can be provided to you. Our medical team will do a required temperature check for a reading of 100.3 or less in order to enter the building—NO EXCEPTIONS for entry. Hospitality will open the doors for you for a touchless entry and hand sanitizer stations will be present for you to use upon entry.

What cleaning and disinfecting protocols will Victory perform prior to entry?

Victory has hired a professional disinfecting company who will perform a thorough cleaning every Friday throughout the church. Every Sunday, between services, the Victory maintenance team will be cleaning the frequently touched areas such as handles, rails and restrooms. Lastly, sanctuary row seating will alternate for each service so that the 2nd service seats will be clean and disinfected upon arrival. Signage and ushers will assist with proper seating.

Will there be any changes to the worship service upon reopening?

Yes, Victory is concerned about Safety First for our members and guest. Therefore, we will implement the following:

a. A mask must be worn during the entire service for anyone that is 3 years of age or older.

b. The worship service will be reduced to an hour and 15 minutes.

c. All sanctuary doors will be open for touchless entry prior to the start of service. Once service starts, some of the sanctuary doors may close for video or audio purposes.

d. There will be no bulletins. Please refer to the website for church information.

e. All seats in the sanctuary will not be available for seating. There will be colored dots on the floor and instructions in the sanctuary to instruct you on which rows can be occupied based on your service time. Although families from the same household may sit next to each other, we are asking that each family keep 2 seats between them and the next family in order to practice the physical distancing guidelines of the CDC.

f. We will not have a mass choir. The Praise Team will continue to sing songs of praise.

g. Congregational vocal participation will be limited. Therefore, there will not be a responsive reading and song lyrics will not be placed on the screens.

h. Youth Church and Deaf signing are being postponed temporarily for safety concerns.

i. The nursery for parents with young kids will be moved to the Gary Armstrong A & B rooms for improved social distancing. A TV screen will be available for watching service. However, this room will have a maximum occupancy for social distancing and will be monitored for compliance to guidelines.

j. There will not be a traditional Meet & Greet. Instead of hugs and handshakes, we will be waving and displaying the new Victory greeting which will be presented by the Senior Pastor.

k. We ask that you stand to allow someone to pass your seat while entering the sanctuary for seating or leaving for the restroom.

l. Offering envelopes and communion elements, when needed, will be available on tables near the sanctuary doors prior to entry.

m. Parents are asked to accompany any children to the restrooms.

n. In an effort to keep Safety First, there will be no immersion baptism with the altar call. Instead, information will be gathered, arrangements will be made for a sprinkling baptism, and the immersion baptism will occur once it is safe to do so.

o. There will be an organized dismissal by sections in the sanctuary including balcony to limit crowds in the hallways.

p. There will be no sales of tapes after service. All services will continue to be streamed.

q. Visitors will be able to Meet The Pastor in the main conference in a social distancing format. No food or drink will be provided and maximum room occupancy limits will be posted for adherence.

How will Victory ensure social distancing and hand sanitation?

In an effort to ensure Safety First, Victory will have signage throughout the building to remind all of safety protocols– social distancing requirements, protocols for proper washing of hands and use of hand sanitizers, maximum room occupancy signs, directional signs on the floors where needed, etc. Hand sanitizer stations and stations with mask and gloves will be available throughout the church. In addition, much of the atrium and hallway seating has been removed to comply with social distancing guidelines.

Will Victory require selected exterior doors for exiting upon worship service dismissal?

There will be a staggered dismissal and all exterior doors will be open for quicker exiting. Congregants are asked to not gather in the church hallways or parking lot in accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines.

Will the Church’s administrative office be open for card payments or other services?

Yes, the Administrative Office will be open with directional entry, exit and maximum occupancy limits.

Will restrooms and water faucets be available for use?

Water faucets will not be available. However, restrooms will be available with low touch entry doors. Hands must be washed before exiting. All must practice social distancing while in the restrooms.

Will Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s Bible Study also reopen?

Yes, Tuesday Bible Study is open. However, Wednesday’s Lunch on the Word is postponed until further notice. Bible study is available in person and on all streaming platforms

When will additional changes occur regarding the churches opening?

The pandemic has created constant change and new normals. Please refer to our website and social media on a constant basis regarding changes to our reopening protocols:

If we have any questions or concerns about reopening, who can we contact?

Please email your questions or concerns to victoryapostolic@vachurch.net or call (708) 283-0383.

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