Christian Education

Bible Study

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.
Age Requirements: 13 years of age and older

The Bible is a guide to all that is true about life. In it God reveals Himself, the meaning of life, wisdom to live it and our purpose. The Bible provides answers to those who desire and seek to develop a relationship with their creator. It teaches us to live this life purposefully. It serves as a road map not only through this life, but unlike other maps that get you to a temporary destination, it guides you to a final heavenly destination in eternity. To this end, we open the book and turn to the word of His grace that it might build us up, and give us an inheritance among them which are sanctified.

Meeting Schedule:
Tuesday nights 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Family First Ministries

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.
Age Requirements: 13 years of age and older


It is the mission of Family First Ministries (FFM) to bring God back as the head of the home as He is the head of the church. It is to unite the church and home together to form the total educational strategy lacking in families today. The ministry purposes to give parents and children the training and tools necessary to fulfill the respective family responsibilities to God and each other. Finally, FFM desires to help recommit and sustain the biblical model of the family.


Retreats, workshops, classes and podcasts are provided throughout the year. They are developed and presented with the intent to strengthen the marriage relationship in the family.

Scholarship Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.
Ministry Leader Name(s): Pastor Martin Stratton, Jr.

PLEASE CLICK HERE 2024 Combined Scholarship Applications FOR ALL APPLICATIONS.
(They are combined in one pdf file)

This committee plans our Annual Baccalaureate and Achievers Award Program for graduates, continuing education, and excelling students. They recommend to the Senior Pastor and the students deserving scholarships and other special recognition for acknowledgement at the program.

Annual Scholarship Applications:
If you are a graduating high school senior, returning undergraduate or a college graduate currently pursuing an advanced, you may be eligible for a Victory Apostolic Church Scholarship. All scholarship applications are available for download by clicking on the link below. Deadline dates, eligibility requirements as well as materials needed to complete the applications are also included in the scholarship packets.

PLEASE CLICK HERE 2024 Combined Scholarship Applications FOR ALL APPLICATIONS.
(They are combined in one pdf file)

Meeting Schedule:
Typically March through June

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sunday Morning Bible Study

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.

Ministry Brochure: Christian Education Brochure

The mission of the Christian Education Department is to nurture the spiritual growth of God’s people by, inspiring, educating, empowering, and equipping them to build Victorious Christ like lives.  Also, to equip the saints for spiritual service and Christian living through the teaching of the word of God. These classes follow the traditional International Sunday School lessons being taught throughout the Christian community, as well as, elective classes for all age groups and spiritual levels.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Teen Classes (Ages 13 – 18)

1st Sunday – 9:15am – Online

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 611 891 3332
Passcode: OneDisc

Teaching teens how to study the scriptures with an emphasis on adolescent issues and applying Biblical principles to their daily lives.

The International Lesson Class

Sunday – 9:00am

Phone Dial-in Conference Number:
Access Code: 496125#

The mission of these classes is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints so they can build Victorious Christ-like lives and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ. This class follows the Standard International Sunday School Lesson.

Men’s Class

Sunday – 9:00am

Location: In-Person – Gary Armstrong Room

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 912 0555 2695
Passcode: mensunday

The mission of the men’s class is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints with a concentration on men’s issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christlike lives, and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.

Transformation  Through Theology

Sunday – 8:00am – Online
Email for meeting information

The mission of this class is to teach Victory’s doctrinal beliefs, statement of faith and other topics related to what it means to be a Christian.  In addition, this class seeks to help transform student’s lives by delving into serious theological topics.

Women’s Class

Thursday – 7:00pm – Online

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 994 0040 4301
Passcode: 275698

Dial by location: 1-312-626-6799

The mission of the women’s class is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints with a concentration on women’s issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christlike lives, equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.

Millennial Classes – TRU Connect

Last Sundays – 8:30 to 10:00am 

Location: Women’s Choir room for continental breakfast (8:30 am) then Sanctuary Balcony for class (9:00am)

Ages: 21-40 Classes: Every last Sunday of the Month

The mission of the Millennial class is to nurture spiritual growth of young to middle aged adults  with a concentration on current and life issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christ-like lives, and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.

Renewed – Transformation Study Class

Sunday – 8:30am

In-Person: Main Conference Room

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 872 7000 2235
Passcode: renewed

The mission of this class is to interactively foster spiritual transformation through the use of Christian curriculum that aids in the study of God’s Word for life application, to renew the souls of His people while glorifying and honoring God.

Faith Walkers

Sunday – 9:00am

In-Person – Faith Chapel

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID Number: 295 293 9944
Password: 894750

Faith Walkers class focuses on developing a more intimate relationship with God and each other. We believe that all believers must “Walk by Faith” in order to have a more intimate relationship with God and each other. All Believers should live their life according to 2 Corinthians 5:7.

…for we walk by faith, not by sight…(NASB)


Ministry Leader Name(s): Evg. Leotha Scott

Age Requirements: 18 years of age to Adult

Sunday – 8:30am Online

Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID Number: 719 756 7693
Password: BIBLE

The mission of the Truthseekers class is to perform an in depth biblical study of each book in the Bible and provide a holistic perspective of each individual book and how they impact the lives of God’s people.

These classes cover an entire book of the Bible in a 12-week session. Classes are designed to help individuals seeking to grow spiritually by improving their knowledge through Biblical Studies. The true focus of these courses is personal enrichment through Biblical Study.

Students must pay a nominal fee for books. Teachers Vary Per Class

Teaching Ministries

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.

Meetings: Hybrid on scheduled Saturday Mornings

Qualifications: Must register during open enrollment period

This in-house ministry has been developed to train and prepare those who have been called to the teaching ministry (i.e. Sunday Morning Christian Education, Moody Bible Study, etc.) to prepare God’s people for the work of the ministry. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and a member of Victory Apostolic Church for a minimum of 1 year. Teaching experience with an affiliate assembly will be taken into consideration. Prospective teachers need to possess the ability to articulate biblical principles with reasonable efficiency and should have a firm grasp of the scriptures with contextual relevance. Pastoral approval required.

Toastmasters International

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.

Ministry Leader Name(s): Haseena Shaheed-Jackson

Age Requirements: 18 years of age to Adult

Meeting Info: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month in-person at Victory


Victorious Voices is striving to excel in the areas of Communication and Leadership. It is a Toastmasters Club that is providing highly motivated, empowering, and positive experiences in which every member can develop communication and leadership skills. This, in turn, fosters self-confidence and personal growth in a safe and fun environment.

One time initial new member fee of $20, semi annual dues of $65 paid in April and October of every year.


Altar and Baptismal

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leaders Name(s): Deaconess Yvette Brown and Sister Haseena Shaheed-Jackson

Our altar ministry is for those who are interested in developing the skills to provide spiritual support and prayer for those who have exhibited openness to God as a response to the word of God, baptism in Jesus’ name and have received the Holy Spirit. Altar work is a very important aspect of our worship experience and requires an individual who is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as it relates to individuals who are at the point of transition in their lives and need guidance, support and instruction as it pertains to deliverance and spiritual break through. An individual interested in altar ministry should be very patient and prayerful with a highly sensitive and non-judgmental perspective.

Board of Ushers

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Deacon Ellis Johnson and Deacon Isaac Heath

The Victory Usher Board is a vibrant and important position in the ministry. As an Usher you can be considered an ambassador and a forerunner for the church, in the Body of Christ. Our role is supposed to continue long after the church has adjourned. The life of an usher should be an example of Christian living in everyday life. Daily conduct should be in line with the word of God, the Bible and Victory Apostolic Church.

Ushers are required to be punctual and time conscious, committed to serve, obedient and have a good attitude. If you would like to be a part of our Usher Board give your request to one of the ushers and the ministry director will get in contact with you.


P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sis. Ruth Adams

This ministry is designed to warmly welcome and greet all guests, friends and members upon entering Victory Apostolic Church for worship services. Ministry members should desire to extend warmth, display love and promote a friendly, pleasant church environment. They should have a pleasant personality, be dependable with a neat appearance and be available 30 minutes prior to and 30 minutes following the beginning of worship services.

Medical Professionals

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Deaconess Denise Smith, R.N.

This ministry provides pulpit assistance to Senior Pastor or other clergy and parishioners during regular and special services when needed. A medical background that includes first aid training is a requirement to serve on this ministry.

Ministerial Alliance

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Brochure

The purpose of the Ministerial Alliance is to help support the Senior Pastor as he ministers to the people during service. The Ministerial Alliance is available to serve for prayer, scripture reading, administering communion, baptism, anointing, teaching, and preaching.

The Ministerial Alliance also supports the Senior Pastor through various outreach ministries, such as home and hospital visitations, prison ministry and for funeral and committal services.

The Ministerial Alliance members are licensed and ordained under the Victory Association Inc. The purpose of the Association is to glorify God through the educational advancement of Christian leaders responsible for the management of our local churches.

The Association will equip church leaders with the tools, training, resources and networking for the advancement of kingdom building in Christian churches.

Integrity, wisdom, courage, patient, spiritual maturity and compassion are some of the traits which should be displayed both inside and outside of the church.

Prayer Connection Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Evangelist Ina Jones and Evangelist Lydia Payton

Ministry Flier

To intercede in prayer regarding general and specific needs on behalf of the senior pastor and the congregation. We teach the believers the importance of praying consistently daily.

Please join us online for prayer seven days a week. Click here for more information.

Communion Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Deaconess Jacqueline Matthews and Sister Doris Wright

The Communion ministry is responsible for the preparation and distribution of Communion elements to the congregation the first Sunday of every month (Communion Sunday).  The ministry servants must possess a spirit of hospitality and service as they will be required to interact with the entire congregation on Communion Sunday.

Village Information Center

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Min. Greg Adams

Provides answers to questions during Sunday morning service that members and visitors might ask about Sunday morning programs or about events scheduled at Victory during the week. One year membership at Victory Apostolic Church required. Must be friendly and approachable for all members and visitors.

Sunday Morning Receptionists

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Douglas Thornton, MA, M.Ed

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sis. Ruth Adams

Provides coverage in the administrative office during Sunday morning worship service. Will provide assistance to members and visitors both in-person and via telephone. One year membership at Victory Apostolic church required. Must be friendly and approachable to all members and visitors both in-person and on the phone.

Group Life Ministries

Group Life

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Vernon T. Brooks, Sr.

Group Life Leadership Team:
Directors – Elder Clarence Armstrong and Sis. Kim Jones-Thompson
Assistant Directors – Sis. Beeonca Smith, Evang. Alice Cross, Sis. Rebecca Davenport, Evang, DonTasia Jackson

Ministry Handout


Victory’s Group Life motto is “Growing Larger and Getting Closer.” This motto came about as a result of our church’s exponential growth. As we continued growing in membership, we didn’t want to lose the intimate spiritual relationships that were being formed. Our groups are designed to foster a sense of community as well as personal and spiritual development in an environment that allows the opportunity to study from curriculums that are consistent with Christian principles for living in an ever-changing world.

Whether it’s a group for Women, Men, Couples, Wives, Singles, First Responders, Millennial women, International group, Grandparents, Parents with Adult Children, Truckers for Christ, Widows Soaring in Christ, New members or Seniors, the Group Life ministry has a group for you! Groups convene every day of the week except Tuesdays at the church, homes, restaurants and other community settings on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Members and non-members of Victory are welcomed and encouraged to select a group that is consistent with their interest. Open Registrations are scheduled every September and February on dates to be announced.

Come bond with men who have an interest in growing in Christ while building authentic friendships with other men who share similar interest and values?

Spiritual growth, sisterhood, fellowship, mentoring and support are what you can expect in groups designed for women.

Now that you have joined the Victory family, are you interested in “Experiencing God” through a time limited Sunday Morning class that encourages you to grow closer to God, establish new relationships and explore spiritual gifts? This class takes place every 3rd Sunday from 8:45am-9:45am

Are you interested in connecting with seasoned men and women who are vibrant, full of life and interested in growing to a new level in Christ while enjoying the fellowship with other seniors?

Whether a newlywed, experienced or empty nesters, our couples groups will allow you to share common interest through discussions on communication, finances and prioritizing your time while growing closer to Christ and with each other?

Are you interested in connecting with other singles that’s looking to grow spiritually while setting and maintaining Spiritual boundaries? In our singles groups, you will create a bond through laughter, serving each other and a curriculum that will bring you closer to Christ.

Besides our major groups, we have a verity of groups that we will meet the needs of the spiritual and occupational interest of members and non-members. Specialty groups are also available that address separation and grief and loss.

Seniors Services Network

P.O.M. Leader: Rev. Vernon T. Brooks, Sr.

Senior Leadership Team:

  • Director – Sis. Beeonca Smith
  • Co-Director – Sis. Linda Tatum
  • Education – Sis. Carolyne Boyd
  • Special Events/Travel Coordinator – Deaconess Irene Bibbie
  • Health and Wellness Coordinator – Evang. Jeanette Krueger

Ministry Handout

Seniors ages 60 years of age and older are vibrant and actively involved in every level of ministry. While transitioning from active employment to retirement or empty nesters, to caregiving of a spouse, parent or a disabled family member, Seniors at Victory discover that they can be as involved as much as their time and energy allows to participate in:

Senior Luncheon
Gatherings are held on the 3rd Thursdays of the month from April through October from 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Come fellowship over a catered meal while engaging in lively discussions that has a focus on spiritual and personal development. You are invited to enjoy, food, fellowship, fun, and friendship
Senior Ministry Director: Sis. Beeonca Smith & Co-Director Sis. Linda Tatum
Group Leader: Sis. Barbara Givens

Computer Literacy
In partnership with the Matteson Library, beginners have an opportunity to develop computer and internet skills in an inviting environment where everyone is eager to learn. Instructors are retired Computer Literacy Instructors of Victory.
Coordinators: Sis. Carolyne Boyd

Health and Wellness
Seniors will have the opportunity to engage in current and relevant topics on subjects that will impact the lives of seniors that are offered periodically by experts in the medical field or mental health services. Other services will also include; Depression, Diabetes, Cancer, Hospice care, and coping with Transitions (Retirement and Fixed Income, Family- and Community Status, and Housing, etc..)
Coordinators. Evg. Jeanette Krueger

Annual Special Events
Seniors are in-charge and have an opportunity to unify in fellowship and worship. Activities may vary from year to year, however, the goal is still the same – To glorify God for the marvelous things He has done in the lives of Seniors of Victory.
Directors: Sis. Beeonca Smith, & Sis. Linda Tatum
Special Events/Travel Coordinator: Deaconess Irene Bibbie

Leadership and Life Development

Leadership Training

P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Andrew D. Singleton, Jr., C.P.A., M.Div.

Ministry Leader Name(s): Dr. Arlis Whalum, CPA

Age Requirements: 21 and over

Individuals who have full-status Victory membership and active participants and/or volunteers in ministries and auxiliaries may be considered for appointment to a leadership role. Such appointments are by recommendation of the ministry Pastor, Sr. Pastor or Senior Leader. In an effort to maintain a church of unity, all leaders are required to participate in an initial one-day leadership training held in the Spring of each year. Topics include being an effective spiritual leader as well as establishing a knowledge base for administrative operations and protocols. In additions, Victory Leaders participate in an annual off-site Leadership Retreat as well as Workshops and Seminars sponsored by the Victory Association.

Contact: Dr. Arlis Whalum, CPA –

Women and Singles' Ministries

Singles' Ministry

Executive Oversite Director: Sis Cassandra Jenkins

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sis. Iris Hildreth – Director

Ministry Handout

Victory’s Singles are members of a unique group committed to a life style that is pleasing to God without compromising spiritual values. As they strive for wholeness and fulfillment regardless of their marital status, they are confident members of the Victory family where their options for community and networking are limitless. Activities include:

Community Projects
Includes third world book donations, local shelter volunteerism, tutoring and partnerships with Victory’s Outreach ministry.

Social Outings
Fellowship at the Theatre, Movies, Dinner, Sports Events and Network Mixers to be announced.

Annual Summer Weekend
Includes a Saturday Picnic and a Friday Conference or Sunday Worship Service

W.O.V.E.N - Women of Victory Empowerment Network

Executive Oversite Director: Sis Cassandra Jenkins

Ministry Handout


WOVEN is life-impacting ministry to women, by women focusing on the transformation of their hearts resulting in living the victorious Christian life.  Our various events are designed for your unique interest and needs.

WOVEN is a safe place for women of all ages to come together in the fellowship of sisterhood through support, community service, fun and spiritual growth.


Our Ministry is comprised of the following activities:

Journey Sisters

In Journey Sisters, participants are paired and interact quarterly with guided discussion points.  The monthly interaction and quarterly group activities seeks to give the participants the nurturing support, affirmation and love that will foster their confidence as they grow in Christ. The objective is to create a sense of belonging, build their faith, and feed their spirit as well as inspire them to live out God’s purpose for their lives.

Women’s Humanitarian Outreach

Through our humanitarian outreach this group seeks to show God’s love through our support and involvement in the community.  This support is done in a variety of ways which can include actively participating at local community agencies or collecting items for social services providers in the Chicagoland area.

She Shed

This is a space where women are able to be their authentic selves.  The conversations are open and allows women to be transparent in a non-judgmental setting.  These sessions are available in a hybrid format and held on Mondays as scheduled. Please see flier for more information.

Bereavement Outreach

This team reaches out through correspondences to those who have suffered personal losses.  This team also serves as representatives during memorials and funerals.

Women Prayer Connection              

This team of prayer warriors offers fervent petitions to God during meeting and other events and ensures that the atmosphere in prepared for God’s word.

Social Outings

Several activities are planned throughout the year to foster positive fun interaction among Christian women allowing opportunities to make connections and build relationships. Some of these activities are the annual Divas in the Dugout at the ball park, Paint and Pour and many more.

The Women’s Ministry also offers opportunities for individuals to participates in podcast discussions.  Feel free to reach out to if you are interested in participating in the Women’s Ministry or participate in upcoming podcast series.


Executive Leadership Team

Executive Oversite Director-Cassandra Jenkins

First Lady-Brenda Singleton

Assistant Director-Shirley Smith

Assistant Director-CoMakiya Baskin-Smith

Meeting Schedule:
She Shed –  March-August – 3rd Wednesday’s at 7:00pm

Spiritual Enrichment Classes – September

Sis Cassandra Jenkins

Media Ministries

Media Ministries

P.O.M. Leader: Sister Karena Bundy, Media Director
Age Requirements: Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age

This ministry has two different components in which volunteers are needed for all: audio and video.

Audio is responsible for sound related needs through the church, but in particular for Sunday Services. There are different levels of training you can choose varying on what you ultimately want to learn. Engineers, assistants & stage helpers are all needed.

Video is responsible for the visual needs for the worship services. This includes on-screen graphics, television cameras and other media production equipment. Seeing we are in a technology driven world, most people can be trained in a two hour session.

Volunteers are needed in all areas and should have the following qualifications:

  • Faithful – We need people to show up on time and ready to serve more than any other quality
  • Team oriented – There are several different positions that work together to create the cohesive worship service
  • Quick (minded) – Media can sometimes be a fast-paced environment so volunteers should be able to respond quickly to ever changing circumstances
  • Trainable – No prior experience is required but you shouldn’t fear technology either

Internship opportunities are also available for college students who are studying in these fields.

Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age and available to serve 1-2 times a month during our Sunday morning worship service.

Sister Karena Bundy, Media Director
708-283-0383 Extension 207

Men of Valor

Men's Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Rev. Dr. Samuel Lofton III, D. Min.

Age Requirements: 18 Years of age to Adult


The purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to attain spiritual maturity through active participation in congregational worship, prayer, serving in the local church and in the study of God’s Word. Evidence of a changed life will be exemplified by being men serving as better husbands, better fathers, better sons, better servants of God, and ultimately a Godly men whose lives speak of the glory of God.

Our program for spiritual transformation entails a myriad of male-focused education and training resources which are shared in a non-traditional format in our weekly “Conversations in the Basement”. The men’s ministry is committed to build men spiritually and develop programs to glorify God and fulfill our God-given role as leaders in our families, communities and society. To prayerfully develop our minds to conform to the mind of Christ. To support our Senior Pastor, ministries, auxiliaries, departments and committees in the church.

In our effort to assist young men dealing the challenges of today’s ever-evolving environment of cultural, societal, and relational issues, Victory offers “The Locker Room”. The Locker Room was created to provide a place where young men ages 18 to 40 can discuss issues without the constraints of outdated leadership styles.

Victory’s Men’s Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for development and fellowship. The following are just a few examples of events to which all are welcome: Conversations in the Basement • Annual Men’s Day • Men’s Wellness Program • Annual Golf Tournament • Father’s Day Program • Community Outreach Assistance • Sports and Recreational Road Trips and much more

Meeting Schedule:
Conversations in the Basement are held every Thursday night, Thursdays, at 6:30 p.m., except the last Thursday of each month..

Join us on for our virtual meetings:
Meeting ID: 997 4017 3999
Password: Basement

Send your questions and/or comments to Sam Lofton III, Asst. Pastor, Men’s Ministry at

Military Care

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Rev. Dr. Samuel Lofton III, D. Min.

Ministry Leader Name(s):
Command Sergeant Major Jimmie Carpenter, MA – Director & Assistant Pastor

Ministry Handout

Victory’s Military Care Ministry embraces the goal of building Christ Like Lives and seeks to serve as both an in-reach and out-reach ministry to Veterans and Active Duty Service Members. Membership is open for those seeking to experience a sense of community while addressing readjustment issues that they have ignored or denied, due to feelings of isolation and that “no one understands”.

The Small Groups are Co-Ed and meet monthly within the Church and Community with a focus on addressing relevant issues and concerns identified my participants. Gender specific breakout groups are established based on ministry enrollment. Members utilize faith-based curriculums and the Word of God as a foundation and reference for all discussions.

The focus of the PTSD Support Group is to encourage members to know that they are not alone in their struggles with flashbacks, anger, rage. hyper-vigilance, insomnia, unforgiveness, etc. Groups are facilitated by Licensed Clinical Professionals with a specialty in serving Service Members and their families; while utilizing evidenced-based curriculums with a holistic approach that fosters healing and recovery. Based on express interest, spousal support groups are available.

The Military Care Ministry seeks to honor our Service Members at Church and Community coordinated events; while also maintaining a calendar of events.

Service Members are offered assistance in navigating veteran benefits and resources through linkage with local Service Officers, Vet Centers and VA Community Based Outpatient Clinics. Such referrals include:

Command Sergeant Major Jimmie Carpenter, MA – Director & Assistant Pastor

Gospel of Justice Ministry

Gospel of Justice Ministry

Ministry Director: Rev. Bryant Warren


The Gospel of Justice Ministry of Victory Apostolic Church advocates for improvements by influencing laws and politics so that residents will experience a just and thriving community. Our work is accomplished through organizing for action, coordinating resources, and providing legal support. The Gospel of Justice Ministry will continue the work of being a just community by being present to improve the lives of people.

Victory Outreach In Community Efforts – Outreach Ministry

Ministry Director: Rev. Bryant Warren

Ministry Leader Name(s): Deaconess Angela Slater, Director

V.O.I.C.E. ministry provides spiritual, moral and some financial support to the poor, visit the sick, bring the Gospel to those in prison and in the surrounding south suburbs. They help mend those affected by broken relationships and misdirected lives.

Annually, the ministry supports and sponsors a Victory church wide outreach during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This outreach provides warm outer garments, food and toys to those families in need. They also participate in the community efforts during Victory’s A Taste of Victory.

Legal Aid Center

Ministry Director: Rev. Bryant Warren

Ministry Leader: Sis. Iris Hildreth

The Gospel of Justice Ministry of Victory Apostolic Church has partnered with Administer Justice to deliver gospel-centered legal aid by caring lawyers and a team of supportive volunteers for a nominal fee. During the COVID pandemic, The Gospel of Justice Ministry’s lawyers and volunteers continue to provide legal services utilizing a virtual platform.​

Meeting: Every first Saturday from 9:00am to 12 Noon

Prison Ministry

Ministry Director: Rev. Bryant Warren 

Ministry Leader Name(s): Min. Kenneth Meadors
Age Requirements: 21 and up

The Prison Ministry helps to break the chains of bondage by teaching and preaching the Word of God to those individuals regardless of age or gender who are incarcerated in the Department of Correction facilities.

Spiritual Care

Guest Relations and Information Service

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sister Pamela Johnson, Coordinator

Guest Relations and Information Service provide a weekly reception in a friendly environment where Victory’s first-time guest will personally meet the Senior Pastor, First Lady, and the Pastors. During this reception guests receive information on acquiring membership at Victory and increase the guests’ awareness of the church’s culture. Guests are provided with a pamphlet that includes information of Victory’s activities, committees/auxiliaries and doctrinal beliefs.

Healing Hearts Grief and Loss Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Chaplin Loretta Ransberg

The primary mission of this ministry is to provide biblical comfort, support and encouragement, to those individuals who have experienced a loss or death of a loved one. It facilitates a healthy resolution of grief and spiritual restoration. The group is invited to discuss relative topics and supporting scriptures, as well as share experiences.

Meeting Schedule: Support group meetings are scheduled every third Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. September to May (subject to change)


Health and Wellness Support Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Denise Heath, RN, Coordinator

This support ministry will assist in learning more about health and healing as it relates to God’s Word. Group will meet to share, fellowship, and discuss the connections between the physical body and scriptural truths and God’s promises. Develop deep lasting bonds and healthy connections that foster a deeper relationship with God and overall understanding of our physical bodies, diseases, and how we can live life to the fullest.

New Members Committee

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sister Melissa Bacon, Coordinator

The purpose of this ministry is to facilitate and organize the new member’s class and ensures that all new members’ demographic information is accurate on the new member’s cards. Committee members contact each new member 7 – 10 days prior to the new member’s class date to confirm attendance. Upon completion of the new member’s class, the lists of names are submitted to the Administrative Office to receive the Right Hand of Fellowship. Committee members need to be available during each new member’s class, held on the first Sunday of alternating months immediately following service.

Pastoral Counseling Team

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

The Pastoral Counseling Team is comprised of Victory’s pastors, licensed clinical psychologist and the senior pastor. It is our role to create a safe environment where feelings and circumstances can be explored and expressed in order that individuals, married couples, pre-married, and families of Victory can gain insight into the underlying causes of their problems.

Our goal is to facilitate healthy and holistic spiritual growth and development through pastoral counseling, clinical intervention and circumstance-specific ministries. It is our ultimate goal that the members of Victory utilize our brief pastoral counseling reach healthy resolutions for their life issues with minimal disruption to their lives.

If additional behavioral health services are indicated, the members will be recommended to a licensed clinical psychologist. Fees will be discussed by the contracted psychologist.

Road to Recovery - Alcohol and Substance Abuse Support Group

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Brother Kelvin Stevenson, Director

This support group is to assist members who are dealing with drug and alcohol addiction to acquire positive coping skills as they overcome barriers that prevent them from living a drug-free sober Christian lifestyle. To provide a resource of information that assist with daily living and family dynamics. Introduce a holistic approach to the “road to recovery” which includes topics dealing with, but not limited to spiritual devotion and growth, anger, fear, creating healthy realistic boundaries, forgiveness, and more.

Meeting Schedule:
Every other Wednesday at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Meeting Place: Undisclosed location


Visitation Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Command Sergeant Major Jimmie Carpenter, MA – Director & Assistant Pastor

The Continuing Care Ministry provides visitation to members who are long-term convalescents either at home or in the hospital for at least 30 days or more. This ministry provides special services to members within our capacity, and maintains follow-up at least twice per month, or as need dictates, until the member is able to return to church and their normal daily activities.

Annually, the ministry supports and sponsors a Victory church wide outreach during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This outreach provides warm outer garments, food and toys to those families in need. They also participate in the community efforts during Victory’s A Taste of Victory.

Caregivers Support Group

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong, MA, LPC

Ministry Leader Name(s): Evangelist Sylvia Westbrook

Description: The Purpose of the Caregiver’s Support Group  is to encourage, inspire and inform individuals who care for loved ones,  friends, and family.  Our class is designed to help the Caregiver.

The group gives caregivers the tools to deal with life changing illness, grief, trauma and dementia.  Our host, Catholic Charities, presents professional information and shares medical, emotional, legal  information.  Our goal is to relieve some of the stress a Caregiver might go through.  There is comfort in getting the opportunity to share time with other people who know what they go through every day.

Contact Assistant Pastor Aretha Armstrong for the meeting information

Worship Arts

Music Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Min. Charlese Allen – Minister of Music
Age Requirements: 5 years of age and older


The Music Ministry is divinely anointed and appointed to carry the Gospel message in song; and GIVE ALL GLORY TO GOD, through music during worship. The music ministry team works closely with the Pastor to inspire, encourage, and uplift God’s people.

To inquire about participation in this ministry, you may contact us via email, and leave your contact information for follow up by a representative. In order to participate in the Vessels of Victory Choir or Praise Teams, you must be a full member of Victory Apostolic Church by being Baptized in Jesus Name, attending and completing New Members Class, and have received the Right Hand of Fellowship.  The final requirement is completion of the Victory Apostolic Church Department of Music Ministry Orientation.  Please note that overall participation is contingent upon the discretion of the Minister of Music.

Ministry members are responsible for attending scheduled rehearsals, and participating in worship services, special programs, and events. Members should have the ability to sing vocal parts, and blend properly with their assigned vocal section. They should also have, or strive to develop a biblical understanding of the power, purpose, and practice of praise; and its role within the church.

The Music Ministry includes:

Ages 18 & over

(Chosen at the discretion of the Minister of Music)
Ages 18 & over

(Chosen at the discretion of the Minister of Music)
Ages 18 to 40
Coordinator: Minister Charlese Allen

Ages 18 & over
Coordinator: Minister Charlese Allen

Ages 18 & over
Coordinator: Minister Shannon Lowe

Ages 12 to 17
Coordinator: Minister Shannon Lowe

Ages 5 to 11
Coordinator: Sister Diana Harrigan

Ages 18 & over
Coordinator: Bro. Evell Knight

Ages 8 to Adult
Coordinator: Sis. Amber Whitted

Ages 8 to Adult
Coordinator: Sis. Tiffany Bakari

Cultural Arts Ministry

Age Requirements: Ages 7 and older

The purpose of the Cultural Arts Ministry is to minister to the church through spiritual dramatizations of praise, worship and testimony. The ministry participates in worship services, and also performs productions in celebration of our religious holidays, Black History month and in support of other ministry events.

Our ministry is open to individuals ages seven and older. Prior experience in acting is not required, and we offer numerous opportunities to serve both on and off the stage.

Young Adult Ministries

TRU Connect

Ministry Leader Name(s):
Minister Terry Lusby, Jr. and Sis. Tiffany Dean

Age Requirements: 21 – 40

We are a group of real individuals who meet regularly on the Last Sunday of every month to discuss real issues that are currently affecting us. Some of the topics we address in open dialogue are: church life, work life, theology, culture, gender roles, relationships and news from the perspective of a saved young adult who’s able to balance it all. Join us and participate in the conversation and enjoy a bite of some good food!

Contact: or for meeting information

VICU - College Ministry

Ministry Leader Name(s):
Amber Baymon and Trent Stillwell

Age Requirements: College-Age (18-24 years old)

Ministry Handout

The mission of Victorious In Christ University (VICU) is to connect like minded college-age believers, rather near or far, with a spiritual support system as the they deal with every day stresses of higher education. VICU strives to continue the mission of Victory Apostolic Church by bridging the gap between college and church.
Ephesians 2:10

The vision of VICU is to give college-age students the necessary spiritual guidance and encouragement that is much needed during college, but that can also be adapted beyond higher education into life.

VICU will give college-age believers the necessary support with most importantly like- minded individuals with the hopes of them being the light in a dark world and on their respective campuses.
Matthew 5:14-16

The purpose of VICU is to provide spiritual support to college students as they embark on the journey of higher education. This is done through monthly devotional touch points, one-on-one phone calls, mass text updates, encouraging social media interactions, and occasional care packages all throughout the academic year. VICU plans numerous outings/events throughout the winter/summer breaks for college students to unwind from academia while also playing a major role in Victory’s Youth and Young Adult Week college trunk party for incoming college freshman that includes panelists from numerous colleges, both alumnus and current.

Meeting Schedule:
As needed, Monthly touch points via Facebook and Email

Amber Baymon and Trent Stillwell at
FB: Victorious in Christ University

Youth Ministries

Bloom Ministry

P.O.M. Leader: Pastor Drew Singleton, III, MBA

Ministry Leader Name(s): Sister Daniele Christian, Sister Diane Bellamy

Age Requirements: 11 to 18 Years Old

Ministry Handout

The Bloom ministry designed to provide young ladies (known as mentees, 11-18 years of age) with spiritual development and social skills. There is also a focus on community service and educational opportunities that ultimately support life skills that will prepare young ladies for womanhood.

In the ten months of a Bloom season, you can look forward to the following experiences:

  • Building a relationship with a mentor/mentee
  • Community service projects
  • Attending girl’s conference/s
  • Hands on presentations on being a well-rounded Christian young lady
  • Presentations on being responsible and self-sufficient while still depending on God
  • A meal at every meeting
  • Fun group activities
  • Fun outing
  • Building new peer relationships
  • End of the year culmination celebration

Meeting Schedule:
Every 2nd Saturday
September – June
9am – 12noon

Annual Registration Drive:
Sign-ups: September
Registration: October In Person and online

Bloom 2.0
This is the branch of the Bloom ministry that focuses on staying connected with those who have graduated out of the ministry and are currently attending college, trade school, or has joined the military straight out of high school.
Sis. Brandy Ivy, Chairwoman

Find us on Facebook and Instagram at: Bloom at VAC
Call 708-283-0383 ext 342

Dare to Be A Daniel Youth Ministry

Ministry Leader Name(s):
Deaconess Davette M. Johnson, Executive Director

Age Requirements: 4 to 12 years old

Ministry Handout

Victory’s youth ministry for boys and girls ages 4-12 is designed to equip the children with the skills needed to become effective witnesses for Christ as they share the word of God with their family and peers.

Dare to be Daniel is held from October to June and hosts an annual weekend retreat for the participants.

It’s never too late to become a member of Victory’s D2BD Generation.


Email: to register and for meeting information



F.L.I.C.K. – Youth Church

P.O.M. Leader: Assistant Pastor Tracye Hutsona

Ministry Leader Name(s): Assistant Pastor Tracye Hutsona, Youth Church Director

Age Requirements: 4 to 12 Years Old

FLICK Children’s Ministry is the avenue used by Victory Apostolic church to break down the vision and the Word spoken in the house to an age-appropriate level for children between the ages of 4-12.

Our purpose is to instill the character, biblical foundations and principles of Christ into the hearts and minds of all children. Our mission is to equip children at their present age to develop an understanding of Christ so that they can begin to develop and build a personal relationship with Christ.

Our goal is to partner with Victory Apostolic Church parents as we, together, raise children who whole-heartedly serve Christ through obedience, worship and Godly character. Victory Apostolic’s Youth Church exists to develop FUTURE LEADERS IN CHRIST’S KINGDOM!!!

Matthew 5:16—In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.

Meeting Schedule:
FLICK Youth Church is held every Sunday, except for 1st Sundays which is family day, concurrent with the Adult Worship service at 10:30am.

The Teen Ministry

Ministry Leader Name(s):
Sister Takara Ebbin, Director
Brother Ronald Austin, Co-Director

Age Requirements: 13 to 18 Years Old

This teen ministry, for boys and girls, is to develop spiritual champions who are committed to living a life that glorifies Christ ages 13-18. The Teen Ministry allows adolescents to come together and openly voice with their peers the pressures and challenges they face daily as young people. Open conversation is available to share their experiences.

This group holds monthly meeting every 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. The Teen Ministry has field trips throughout the year and plays a big role during our exciting Youth Week, held annually in the month of July. Refreshments are served in this fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Meeting Schedule:
Every 1st Sunday at 10:30am


Victory Summer Excellence Program

Age Requirements: Age Entering Kindergarten to Entering High School

The overall goal of Victory Academy Summer Excellence Program is to operate a fun, engaging program while fostering the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our participants. Operating from the months of June to August, we promote and establish a spiritual environment that engages our youth to experience God through the empowering Word of God so that they can embrace others with the Love of God through service and sacrifice. In order to accomplish this goal, we train quality staff to implement a progressive program with age-appropriate skills and challenges, and provide an appropriate facility adequate to support the program.

The mission of Victory Academy Summer Excellence Program is to provide a Christian environment for the purpose of challenging campers in the areas of spiritual development, adventurous outdoor activities, and academic and cultural enrichment. Caring staff members partner with campers and their parents to minister to the whole child.


Young Men of Valor Mentoring

Age Requirements: 7 to 18 Years Old


Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to equip young men with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of today’s world while fostering a strong foundation in Christian principles. Mentors will guide participants on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging personal and spiritual growth as well as resilience. Through this program participants will build attributes such as spirituality, character development, leadership skills, humility, discipline, preparation, protection and confidence.

Mentoring sessions are facilitated by male mentors with occasional guest speakers to expose participants to relevant and transforming information that will help shape each participant’s outlook on life.

  • Light refreshments served
  • In Person Meetings

Send your questions and/or comments to and for meeting information