Sunday Morning Bible Study
P.O.M. Leader: Reverend Martin Stratton, Jr.
Ministry Brochure: Christian Education Brochure
The mission of the Christian Education Department is to nurture the spiritual growth of God’s people by, inspiring, educating, empowering, and equipping them to build Victorious Christ like lives. Also, to equip the saints for spiritual service and Christian living through the teaching of the word of God. These classes follow the traditional International Sunday School lessons being taught throughout the Christian community, as well as, elective classes for all age groups and spiritual levels.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
Teen Classes (Ages 13 – 18)
1st Sunday – 9:15am – Online
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 611 891 3332
Passcode: OneDisc
Teaching teens how to study the scriptures with an emphasis on adolescent issues and applying Biblical principles to their daily lives.
The International Lesson Class
Sunday – 9:00am
Phone Dial-in Conference Number:
Access Code: 496125#
The mission of these classes is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints so they can build Victorious Christ-like lives and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ. This class follows the Standard International Sunday School Lesson.
Men’s Class
Sunday – 9:00am
Location: In-Person – Gary Armstrong Room
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 912 0555 2695
Passcode: mensunday
The mission of the men’s class is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints with a concentration on men’s issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christlike lives, and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.
Transformation Through Theology
Sunday – 8:00am – Online
Email for meeting information
The mission of this class is to teach Victory’s doctrinal beliefs, statement of faith and other topics related to what it means to be a Christian. In addition, this class seeks to help transform student’s lives by delving into serious theological topics.
Women’s Class
Thursday – 7:00pm – Online
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 994 0040 4301
Passcode: 275698
Dial by location: 1-312-626-6799
The mission of the women’s class is to nurture spiritual growth of the saints with a concentration on women’s issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christlike lives, equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.
Millennial Classes – TRU Connect
Last Sundays – 8:30 to 10:00amÂ
Location: Women’s Choir room for continental breakfast (8:30 am) then Sanctuary Balcony for class (9:00am)
Ages: 21-40 Classes: Every last Sunday of the Month
The mission of the Millennial class is to nurture spiritual growth of young to middle aged adults  with a concentration on current and life issues and perspectives so they can build Victorious Christ-like lives, and equip them for the work of service to build up the body of Christ.
Renewed – Transformation Study Class
Sunday – 8:30am
In-Person: Main Conference Room
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID: 872 7000 2235
Passcode: renewed
The mission of this class is to interactively foster spiritual transformation through the use of Christian curriculum that aids in the study of God’s Word for life application, to renew the souls of His people while glorifying and honoring God.
Faith Walkers
Sunday – 9:00am
In-Person – Faith Chapel
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID Number: 295 293 9944
Password: 894750
Faith Walkers class focuses on developing a more intimate relationship with God and each other. We believe that all believers must “Walk by Faith” in order to have a more intimate relationship with God and each other. All Believers should live their life according to 2 Corinthians 5:7.
…for we walk by faith, not by sight…(NASB)
Ministry Leader Name(s):Â Evg. Leotha Scott
Age Requirements:Â 18 years of age to Adult
Sunday – 8:30am Online
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting ID Number: 719 756 7693
Password: BIBLE
The mission of the Truthseekers class is to perform an in depth biblical study of each book in the Bible and provide a holistic perspective of each individual book and how they impact the lives of God’s people.
These classes cover an entire book of the Bible in a 12-week session. Classes are designed to help individuals seeking to grow spiritually by improving their knowledge through Biblical Studies. The true focus of these courses is personal enrichment through Biblical Study.
Students must pay a nominal fee for books. Teachers Vary Per Class